Monday, July 21, 2014

My Hair Routine + No Heat Styling

Happy Monday!  I'm starting this week off with a video of my hair routine! I was getting a lot of requests to show how I style it in between washings, and I finally sat down and filmed every day last week from Thursday through Sunday.

The video is way too long and I repeat myself constantly (sorry!) but it will give you an idea of how I style my hair (with no heat) on days 3 and 4 of my routine. You can read all about my hair washing routine here. I still wash it twice a week like before, but I've started to use no heat on days 3 and 4 of my routine. 

I didn't want to spend time on weekends styling my hair so I found a system that works for me to make it look styled when it hasn't been. The big disclaimer here is that this may not work for every hair type. I have thin hair, but a lot of it and I have long hair that has a natural wavy texture and holds curl very well. If you have a similar hair type to mine, this may work very well for you. You never know until you try!

I took the pictures below on Sunday (my "4th day hair") which you'll see at the end of the video.
I hope you enjoy the video and please let me know if you have any questions I didn't go over.

Have a great week!

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