Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our Weekend...

It's Sunday night and we are exhausted from a fun weekend. It started off with our morning Little Gym class where we met new friends and played with hula hoops. Then, we headed over to Amanda's house to celebrate Cami's first birthday! 

Harper had a blast and there were about 12 babies there at one point so as you can imagine, the playroom was a wreckage. Here we are trying to get some of the babies to sit in close proximity for a group photo�(I'll let you guess how that went)
 Mamas + babies
Around 3 all of the babies started to have meltdowns and we headed home and Harper napped from 3:30-6:30 since she missed her usual nap because she was having too much fun. 
We ended up taking a nice evening walk where Harper rocked her sunnies threw her sunnies on the ground and we had to go back and find them. Lately on weekends we try to do a morning and evening walk because it's cooler then. When we say "do you want to go outside for a walk?" Harper squeals with delight and runs to the baby gate to go downstairs.

Today we had lunch at Zoe's Kitchen and Harper loved it! She even danced in her chair a little bit and was such a ham waving to people eating there.
After lunch we ran some errands and came home to FaceTime with my mom�they were singing "if you're happy and you know it!"
I basically ran out of all of my hair products at once, so I picked up some favorites and some new ones to try at Ulta today. I will review the new ones soon!

I hope your weekend was amazing!

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