Today was one of those days that every parent fears. We had just gotten home from playing at the park and it was right before lunch time.
I was walking up our wood stairs carrying Harper (with her back to me) and I tripped and fell forward. I tried my hardest to protect her as we lunged forward, but it all happened so fast and her face hit the step.
I panicked. I felt the force of the fall and I knew it wasn't good. I picked her up and immediately knew she had hit her mouth because the area between her nose and mouth was already red and then she started to bleed/cry and I was absolutely terrified.
We were able to stop the bleeding and I frantically placed a call to our dentist's emergency line. I talked her through what happened and she instructed me on how to examine Harper's mouth and teeth and what to look for (bleeding at the gums, loose teeth, etc). Harper was crying, screaming (rightfully so) and exhausted from playing at the park. We were able to look inside her mouth just long enough to check that no teeth were loose and that her gums weren't injured or bleeding. Our dentist told us to give her some Tylenol and watch her closely.
It appeared that her teeth had cut the inside of her lip when she fell. She was so tired that we laid her on a blanket on the couch and I sat with her and watched her sleep. Her lip began to swell more and more and the area between her nose and lips was already starting the beginnings of what is sure to turn into a black and blue mess. My poor baby :(
To my total surprise, when she woke up about an hour later, she was smiling and acting totally normally, as if nothing had happened. Her lip was so swollen and her upper lip looked so battered, I couldn't believe it. I gave her some yogurt and fruit to see if she would eat and she did.
She continued to act normally for the rest of the day/evening and we noticed that the swelling on the outside of her lip began to subside. The inside of her top lip is still pretty red and swollen (I will spare you the photos I texted to the dentist). The dentist told me that the bruises and swelling will likely take a couple of weeks to completely subside. She called me later in the day and texted with me which was so reassuring. Above and beyond for sure.
(my poor sweet baby�)
I'm so glad Harper is okay, but I have just been beating myself up about what happened. I know it was an accident, but I feel so terrible that a) it happened and b) how much worse it could have been. I just feel so awful that I caused her so much pain and discomfort.
I'm so glad that we saw a pediatric dentist about a month ago for Harper's first check-up. I got a card in the mail from our insurance company right after Harper's first birthday saying that I should make her a dental appointment. It seemed really early to do that, (because she only has like 8 teeth), but I asked around and was recommended a local practice.
We had such a fantastic experience there. Our first appointment was more about discussion and education- what is our current brushing routine? does she drink juice or eat candy, etc? It was more of a conversation about how to prevent cavities and how to brush correctly to encourage your child to develop a good oral hygiene routine.
After the initial talk with the dental hygienist, we went to meet the dentist and she actually looked at Harper's teeth, did a very quick cleaning (as Harper screamed) and reiterated the importance of twice-daily brushing.
At the time, she also reminded me that she is on call 24/7 for dental emergencies. I remember her saying that and the moment I turned Harper around after we fell today and saw the blood coming out of her mouth, I knew who to call.
Anyway, I guess my point is that even if it seems silly to take a 1 or 2 year old to the dentist, it's a good idea to have conversations about oral health early (and get tips on how to encourage kids to enjoy brushing---we're still working on it). It's also wonderful to have a pediatric dentist to call in the case of a dental emergency. Ours even offered to come into her office to see Harper tomorrow if things started to look worse. It saddens me to realize things could have been much worse--- but it would have been incredible to have immediate access to a pediatric dentist to perform and exam and do x-rays, etc.
(bruised and swollen, but happy as can be)
I'm still very shaken up by what happened and with time, I'll have to forgive myself. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend�here's to a better tommorow�
If you are local, I cannot more highly recommend Pinnacle Pediatric Dentistry. This isn't a sponsored post, just a PSA that this can happen to anyone, no matter how careful you are and having access to a dentist for your child is very comforting when something like this happens.
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