Tuesday, October 7, 2014

StitchFix Vacay Part II

Welcome to part II of my StitchFix Vacay! You can read part one here.

We started our day with delicious coffee and breakfast at the house and then we headed to StitchFix's warehouse "the hizzie," which is huge---like, massive department store huge, with racks upon racks of clothing, all neatly and strategically organized.
 From L-R: Kilee from One Little Momma  |  Natalia from Ma Nouvelle Mode  |  Jill from Baby Rabies  |  Molly from Still Being Molly  |  Jen from Jen Loves Kev  |  Me  |  Erin from Living in Yellow

This was beyond-a-doubt my absolute favorite part of the trip. I really enjoyed seeing how it all works and getting the hands-on experience of actually putting a fix together. We enjoyed meeting all of the warehouse employees and learning what their different roles were. Let's just say that there are a lot of moving people and parts involved in making these fixes happen--- especially since the company has grown so immensely during the last couple of years.

Justin (below) was the best tour guide. He and his wife also just had a baby and he was so sweet showing us pictures on his phone! I just loved his enthusiasm and passion for what he does. He also knew each and every employee so well and told us unique traits and characteristics about them (like one dude who has the #2 rap single on the Russian iTunes charts right now---what?! I love it). You could just tell that he was such a great manager and really cares about the people who work on his team.
Just like StitchFix's headquarters downtown, the warehouse is full of all kinds of awesome, like this wall.
and this robot�
We loved getting to see all of the different styles available. I'm pretty sure we all asked if we can just assemble our next fix ourselves, haha. There were so many cute styles and I was able to snap a few pictures of items I loved to add to my Pinterest board to give my stylist ideas for my next fix!
Later during our tour, we met Thomas, who took us through the process of getting a "fix" together. He even timed us and it was quite fun racing around the warehouse trying to find the items we needed. They really made it a great experience for us.
We learned to fold and assemble a fix correctly, too--Thomas (below) is a pro! He also had on pink patent leather Doc Martens. He may be my spirit animal, for real.
All done packing our fixes!
and down the conveyor belt they go!
Seeing all of the clothes at the warehouse and talking to the staff, we learned some tricks to get the most out of your fix, so I thought I'd share those here in case you are a subscriber or are thinking about it.

1. Make sure your StitchFix profile is linked to a Pinterest board with your favorite styles--- this will give your stylist the most accurate representation of your style or pieces you are looking for.

2. If you see a blogger or friend get a certain item and you want it in your fix--- pin it to your Pinterest board- if they have the item in your size they will do their best to send it!

3. Give very specific feedback when you return items that didn't work--- tell your stylist why it didn't work, what you didn't like about it, details about the fit, etc.

4. Tweak your profile--- after my first fix, I went back and changed my sizes and some other preferences.

5. Ask for what you need--- if you need say, a blue pencil skirt or something leopard print, leave a note for your stylist--- if they have something in stock that fits what you're looking for, they'll send it!

After our visit to the warehouse, the StitchFix gals surprised us with appointments at The Dry Bar. It was my first time going there and it was so fun getting pampered. I asked for a combo of the comso (big, voluminous curls) and the southern comfort (very big, blown-out). The higher the hair, the closer to God, y'all.
There was so much teasing involved, thank goodness. My hair did lose its curl a bit during the shoot, but it was such a fun experience to have my hair styled. I may have to try it here in Houston too!

Onto the photo shoot! We all had our makeup touched up by a makeup artist and then we checked out some outfits the style team picked for us. The best part was that we also got to explore the racks and pick out our own looks. I love that everyone was so open to letting us choose what made us comfortable and was a true representation of our personal style. All of the photos from the shoot were taken by StitchFix's in-house photographer. As you can see, we had a lot of fun!
Natalia, Erin, Jen and me

My first dress was picked by one of the stylists and it couldn't have been more perfect. Navy? Check. Lace? Check. I just loved it!
Molly photobombing me. She is the funniest and sweetest gal. Check out her blog!
so much confetti!
more confetti�kinda wish I had a gif of this!
We just had such an incredible time! I'm so grateful to StitchFix for giving us the full experience from headquarters to the warehouse--- and then all of the fun things we got to do in between, like this shoot. I said this in my first post, but they really went above and beyond and made this experience so special for us.

After the shoot, we headed out for dinner and had our last night with the StitchFix team. Dinner was delicious and I slept like a baby that night from having such a busy day. My final StitchFix vacay post will be highlights from our last day there--- it was a free day and I got to explore the city a little bit before my flight.

Hope you have a great week and thanks for reading! If you are curious and would like to try StitchFix, you can sign up here. My next fix comes October 29th, and I will be posting a review then!

FTC disclosure: I was invited on an all-expenses-paid trip via StitchFix, but was not compensated monetarily to attend, nor am I being compensated monetarily to write this post. All future fixes will be paid for with my own money. 

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