Friday, April 25, 2014

Green Luncheon Dress

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a luncheon hosted by the Blue Bird Circle, a wonderful organization that supports the peidatric neurology clinic at Texas Children's. 

The luncheon featured Barbara Pierce Bush as a guest speaker. She shared with us the impact she and her fellows are making via her organization, Global Health Corps. It was a touching and inspirational speech and she was also very funny, sharing some memories of growing up and her family's time in the Whitehouse. Most of all, it was incredible to learn about all of these young adults (under 30) around the world who are passionate about global health and going to other countries to really make a difference for the people living there.
(on a side note, I loved her navy blue dress which she paired with nude open-toe heels)

The first (of many) GHC projects she shared with us was a project undetaken by two fellows in a village in Africa to prevent pregnant women who are HIV-poisitive from having HIV-positive babies. Barbara shared that of all 800 women who had babies in the village that year, all 800 babies were born HIV-negative because this team made sure they had the support and medical care they needed. Another project she talked about was a group of fellows that worked on an architecture/engeneering project to build a clinical space that controlled airflow in a different way so that tuberculosis would not spread throughout a clinic when there was a TB-positive patient. It's so inspiring to learn about a generation of young adults coming together to make a difference for children and families on a global level. I think it shows just how much young people today are committed to making an impact and real change not just in the country in which they live, but much further beyond that.

A few years ago I also got to see her father, George W. Bush, read from his book at an event at the Hobby Center called the "Celebration of Reading," that also featured several other authors. 

Switching gears, I wore one of my favorite J.Crew dresses to the luncheon. The bright bright green is perfect for spring. I also wore a charcoal blazer over it and was thankful for that since the event space at the Houston Country Club was freezing.
Happy Friday!

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