Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekend Snaps + Some Purchases

It was the ideal weekend for the weather to be awful. My allergies appeared out of nowhere and Friday night I got reconnected with a box of Kleenex. It was terrible. I didn't want to take anything because of my milk supply but I was assured that Zyrtec was safe to take so I did end up caving and it seems like it's helping.

We spent most of the weekend cuddling and I also picked up the house a looked like a disaster. I always forget to call the awesome ladies who clean our house in advance and suddenly I realize it's been 3 weeks since we had a nice deep cleaning. 

I went to Target today and picked up a few things for me and for Harper (and some food, of course!)
Hoodie (on sale!) /// Sparkle Skirt (in stores---similar cute option)/// Striped Blazer /// Socks /// Socks /// Leggings (in stores- just $5 each!)
FYI- the blazer is a nice, soft, breatheable cotton and super comfy. I had a striped blazer from Express that I sold recently because I didn't like the fabric as much (though I did like the blazer overall). This one almost feels more like a cardigan. For reference, I got a small in the blazer and an XS in the zip-up (it was the last one and it's just for lounging but I can fully zip it with no issues so size down on this one if you end up getting it).

 I also got new hair bows and booties for Harper recently!
weekend cuddles...
and reading books...(that's not my panda!)
and tummy time...(and realizing you need to get your eyebrows done)
and sticking her tongue out...
and being obsessed with her Baby Einstein Exersaucer...

we had an awesome weekend! Hope you did too!

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