Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekend Snaps + Guest Post on Sparkling Footsteps

Happy Monday!  Today I'm guest-posting over on Sparkling Footsteps about how to prepare for baby. Congratulations to Lynzy on her beautiful baby girl Olivia!  Check out her beautiful nursery, here.

Meanwhile, here's what's going on lately...
We are loving family time on weekends with this smiling, laughing girl. Every hour I spend at work I'm looking forward to and counting down to the time I get to spend an entire weekend with her. 
On Saturday we headed out for some lunch at Empire Cafe and stopped in at Doodles to buy some baby sunglasses...which are obviously too big, but better some protection than none at all!
 We did a lot of tummy time...and Harper is really starting to push up on her hands. She always surprises me with how strong she is. 
These blue beauties arrived (from Banana Republic/// leopard flats from GAP)
I ran out to Michael's Arts & Crafts to buy some supplies for some DIY Halloween projects. As you can see I'm back to my weekend uniform of Lululemon stuff. I promise I wore shoes! 

Also---I realized that for some odd reason, when I curl my hair the first day I wash it, immediately after a blowout, the curls last longer and hold their shape better---this is 4th day hair with no styling, just ran a brush through it and applied some Bumble & Bumble Texture Creme to the ends.
My trip to Michael's resulted in this...(tutorials to come). I've always been into holiday decor, but I'm even more excited now that Harper is here. She won't notice or appreciate it this year, but it's still so fun to make all this stuff so our home feels festive (note: I did not make the straws, obvs).
What we're reading (buy here)
Harper tried pattern mixing and it got a little out of control...and then she pulled her hat over her eyes. Very creative. She napped right next to me as I ate dinner...yes, on our couch, because that's the way we roll these days. Yep.
She also showed her bunny who's boss!
(Hello onesie here///hair bow headband here)

Hope y'all enjoyed your weekends as much as we did!

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