It's going to be hard to leave her in just a few weeks. I'm going to miss her smiles and feeding her and changing her and snuggling her. I've never in my life really considered staying at home and don't plan to...but being at home with her has definitely given me some pause where I momentarily contemplated what it might be like to be home with her all the time.
Right now I'm just trying to soak in the moments with her and sometimes, let's be honest, I totally stare at her as she sleeps. And I take many pictures. I am officially "that mom" on Facebook and Instagram but you know what? I totally own it.
Here are Harper's two month updates and photos:
Weight: At her last pediatrician's appointment where she got her first shots, she weighed just over 11 lbs!
Health: Harper has been doing great! We had a few health/weight gain scares in the first few weeks, but those seem to have resolved.
Sleep: We are so lucky, Harper sleeps a lot. She naps between almost all of her bottles, sometimes for 2-2.5 hours at a time. She sleeps about 6 hours through most nights and has even gone for 8 hours once! However, I am waking up twice to pump to keep my supply up, so I do have days where I'm tired. But hey, it comes with being a new mamma! I feel really fortunate that she sleeps so much because it allows me to get things done around the house, wash her bottles and my pumping parts (my husband does them in the morning and I wash them during the day) and also gives me a little time for myself- to blog, nap, relax, whatever. I realize not every new mom gets that "me" time because some babies don't nap a lot, so I know how lucky I am. Hopefully it will last!
Social: Since she's been vaccinated, we've taken Harper out to a few places and it's been fun! We are also setting up baby playdates and she will get to meet my friend's twins this week, our babies are just 10 days apart!
Diet: Harper is getting 80-90% expressed breast milk most days. We supplement with formula as needed, but most of the time it's breast milk. I'm going to update my breastfeeding story soon, but right now I am almost exclusively pumping, though I may nurse her once or twice some days. Pumping is what's working for us right now and I'm fortunate to have a good supply that way, however, I love the closeness of nursing her so I still try to do that for some of her feeds.
Clothes: We skipped right past the newborn sized clothes and pretty much did 0-3 from the very start. She's also fitting into 3 and some 3-6 month clothing. It really depends on the brand.
Baby Gear Love: You can check out my Two Month Favorites post here!
Crying: Harper only cries if she is hungry and sometimes right when you start to change her diaper (not every time). Recently, she started crying during some of her feeds and we suspect it's gas related or just general fussiness. She will sometimes drink her bottle amazingly and other times she cries during the entire bottle. Burping her, walking around with her and taking breaks during the feed seem to help...but sometimes she's just inconsolable...and I know she's hungry because it's time for her to eat again. It breaks my heart when she cries during her feeds. If you mammas have any tips, please let me know!
(Harper is not sleeping in her crib yet, which is why the bumpers are still up.
I just placed her in there to snap some photos.)
Likes: Harper likes naps, her swing, Jacques the Peacock, her Skip Hop Activity Gym, naps on daddy's chest and morning snuggles. She also loves her MAM pacis. They calm her right down. She also LOVES baths to the point where I feel like she actually looks forward to them every night. Dislikes- when the bath comes to an end. But she looks so darn cute in her bunny towel that it's one of my favorite parts to wrap her in it!
Postpartum: I've had so many wonderful comments and emails wishing me well after my D&C surgery for placenta acreta and I really appreciate it. I am feeling good now and pretty much back to normal. Of course I'm still tired, but that's a new mom thing, not related to postpartum recovery.
I definitely had some bouts of anxiety during the last few weeks but I feel like it's getting better and better each day. I still worry about her health and overall wellness and happiness, but I think all new moms worry. I just try to remind myself to take it easy and to cherish every moment with her.
I definitely had some bouts of anxiety during the last few weeks but I feel like it's getting better and better each day. I still worry about her health and overall wellness and happiness, but I think all new moms worry. I just try to remind myself to take it easy and to cherish every moment with her.
Milestones: Month two has been so amazing because it's when Harper started to really develop more. She smiles and coos now, turns when she hears one of our voices and is overall more alert. She still sleeps a lot, which we are thankful for, but we really get to experience her more now that she's more alert. She also has better head control and sometimes swats at her toys. She chews on her hands sometimes and pulls at my hair (which is why I wear it up most of the time!)
I remember the first time she smiled at me when she woke up one morning (she had smiled before that, but this moment felt extra special). I finally felt like she really "knew" me and was happy to see me. I know that sounds kind of odd, but I'm sure many new moms can relate---seeing your baby respond to you is really special and makes you feel so bonded.
I kind of wish we would have taken these shots at the beginning of the shoot...haha she was not happy at the end!
Look at that red hair!!! I absolutely love it. Sometimes we call her our "baby carrot"
Thank you for reading and wishing you all a great week!
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